There are three types of meetings for the Fremont PTA:
ASSOCIATION MEETINGS - All members of the PTA and their guests are invited to attend Association Meetings, held four times per year: August (first day of school), December, February and May. Anything the PTA does must be approved at these meetings - including expenditures, activities, budgets, and programs. All actions made by the Executive Board since the last Association Meeting are ratified by the full PTA Association at these meetings. All PTA members in attendance may vote during this meeting. The agenda will be posted via email before the meeting, with a note that it is subject to changes and approval. PTA members may request things be added to the agenda and they may be added to the next agenda at the discretion of the President. Board Members are elected at the February Association Meeting and installed at the May Association Meeting.
EXECUTIVE BOARD MEETINGS - The Executive Board consists of the Elected Officers (President, VP Assemblies, VP Hospitality, VP Fundraising, Secretary, Treasurer, Parliamentarian and Historians), Chairpersons of Standing (ongoing) Committees (Membership and Art Docents), the school Principal, and a teacher representative. The Board meets on a monthly basis to review committee recommendations, handle assigned duties, approve expenditures and recommend action to the Association. Other PTA members may attend these meetings and be part of the discussion, but only the Executive Board votes at these meetings. There must be a quorum of at least 7 board members to vote. Executive Board Meetings are usually held on the first Wednesday of each month at 8:30 am and last until about 10 am. Children are always welcome at PTA Meetings. We provide an activity table at the back of the room or you may bring your own toys for your children to keep them occupied.
COMMITTEE MEETINGS - The Chairperson of a committee may call a meeting with the members of that committee to handle preliminary work and recommend actions to the Executive Board. The President is invited to these meetings, but the President’s attendance is not mandatory.