All students visit the library once a week, participate in grade-appropriate activities with the librarian, check out books and conduct research. Our goal is to grow our little school library with new, exciting titles as well as classics for all grades.
PTA has a budget line of $1250 per year for buying new books; however, that still isn't enough money to keep the library current. Our Sponsor-A-Book Program gives parents, relatives and caregivers the chance to help grow the school library. Our school’s librarian chooses library-bound books and adds them to the online list. Fremont families are then given the opportunity to sponsor library books by choosing a book to sponsor and paying for its cost through the BTSB (Bound to Stay Bound) website.
The sponsored book remains the property of Fremont but each sponsor receives a commemorative nameplate affixed to the inside front cover of the selected book. Nameplates thank the sponsor by name and can display a short dedication or phrase, such as “Happy 10th Birthday, Jane,” “Welcome to first grade, Joe,” “To my avid reader, John. Keep it up!” or “In memory of Grandma Smith, who loved reading with me.”