CVHS Counselors visit English classes during the school year to help students explore career interests and research career clusters. We encourage students to utilize the free resources and links below.
CaliforniaColleges.edu What do you want to be when you grow up? Begin your career exploration to find careers that match your skills, academic interests, and personality. This site also links to California Community colleges, California State University, University of California, and private school programs to match student interests.
BigFuture.org Browse college majors and career profiles. Search choices that match standardized test scores like the PSAT, SAT, and AP exams.
CaCareerzone.org Complete self-assessments to help determine best job matches or occupational fields to explore more.
Are you social, artistic, enterprising, investigative, conventional, or realistic? What jobs match your profile?
California Career Resource Network (CalCRN) www.californiacareers.info
CalCRN provides resources for anyone interested in developing the career self-management skills necessary in today's world of work. Includes links for:
California Career Center is the website for career and college resources and tools to help students map their futures. Cal Career Center is focused on serving students but also contains resources for counselors, teachers, and parents.
The California Career Zone is a web-based career exploration system providing four easy to use career assessment tools and information on over 900 California occupations
California Reality Check enables students to create a budget for living an adult lifestyle, asks them what level of schooling they anticipate completing, and then allows them to explore occupations that will provide the salary needed to cover their cost of living.
The California Career Planning Guide takes students through a process for developing a personal career action plan. Hard copy guide in English. Free online graphic and text versions in English and Spanish.
The Real Game California (TRGC) is a classroom based career exploration curriculum. TRGC incorporates California-based economic and workforce information to help students acquire the skills, knowledge, and attitudes necessary to be career self-managers for life.