Cell Phones & Electronics

  • Cell phones, iPODs, MP3 players and other portable entertainment devices cannot be used on the school campus during class time. Laser pointers may not be brought to school. Bikes, skateboards, razor boards and roller blades are not to be ridden on the campus.

    Board policy requires that if a student has in their possession a cell phone or other electronic signaling devices on campus during the school day, while attending school-sponsored activities, or while under control of a school district employee the device is to be turned off and the student is prohibited from using it in the classroom or during the instructional day which includes snack, lunch or passing periods. The use of these devices or their ringing during school time or during activities will be considered a disruption of school activities. The device(s) will be confiscated, and the student will be subject to disciplinary action.

    Possession, handling and/or any use of a cell phone during testing will be grounds for suspension (defiance of authority). 

    Glendale Unified School District and Clark Magnet High School do not assume liability for any of these items brought by students.

    If a student is found using an iPOD, MP3 player, cell phone, pager or other electronic signaling device, the following will take place:

    Violation Action Taken
    1st Offense Lunch detention. The student can pick up the item from the Assistant Principal’s or Associate Principal’s office at the end of their school.
    2nd Offense ATS. The student can pick up the item from the Assistant Principal’s or Associate Principal’s office at the end of their school day.
    3rd Offense Suspension. The student can pick up the item from the Assistant Principal’s or Associate Principal’s office at the end of their school day.
    4th Offense Multiple days of Suspension. The student can pick up the item from the Assistant Principal’s or Associate Principal’s office at the end of their school day.