• Enrollment 2017 - 2018 School Year
    Total Enrollment: 1314
    Grade 7:  639
    Grade 8:  675
    Student Enrollment by Student Group (School Year 2015-16)
     Student Group
     Percent of Total Enrollment
     Black or African American  0.8%
     American Indian or Alaska Native  0.4%
     Asian  26.7%
     Filipino  3.4%
     Hispanic or Latino  13.4%
     Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander  0.1%
     White  52.7%
     Two or More Races  2.4%
     Other  0.1%
     Student Group (Other)
     Percent of Total Enrollment
     Socioeconomically Disadvantaged  19.0%
     English Learners  7.1%
     Students with Disablities  8.7%
     Foster Youth  0.1%
    Pupil Achievement
    Detailed information regarding our school is available. Please read the SARC report:
    California Department of Education
    Rosemont Middle School
    School Accountability Report Card for the 2015-16 School Year