Family Education & Resources

  • Developmental Screening, Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ)

  • ECAF Roadtrip #1: Dialogic Reading

  • Fostering Social Emotional Development From Infancy

  • Let's Go to Kindergarten (Welcome and Process Video from the Parent Information Center at FPS)

  • Library Virtual Tour

  • The Power of Music with Popular PLGT Songs

  • Transición al jardín de infancia: Un día en la vida

  • Transition to Kindergarten - A Day in the Life

  • Transição para o jardim de infância - um dia na vida

  • Vamos ao Kindergarten - Centro de Informação aos Pais Escolas Públicas de Framingham

  • Vayamos al Kindergarten - Centro de Información para Padres

  • Welcome to Framingham Centre Nursery School. Join us for a virtual tour of our program

Play, Learn, & Grow Together. Storytime & Early Learning Activities

  • A House is a House for Me - written by Mary Ann Hoberman and illustrated by Betty Fraser

  • Bilingual Storytime (Un cuento bilingüe) featuring "Siesta"

  • Boa Noite Gorila!

  • Bom dia todas as cores - Música e literatura brasileira para crianças

  • Early Childhood Alliance of Framingham Play, Learn, & Grow Together Group

  • El Gato de la Princesa Sucha

  • La Señorita Muu Va a la Playa

  • Opening Framingham Family Fair Storytime

  • Three Billy Goats Gruff

Music, Movement, Health and Wellness

  • A Moment of Zen With Fred

  • Dance Party - Part 1 - Wheels on the Bus and Baby Shark (TCC SM)

  • Dance Party - Part 2 - Head, Shoulders, Knees & Toes and Hokey Pokey (TCC SM)

  • História Praticutucá - João Jiló

  • I Am Happy; I Am Good

  • Little Steps: Trip to the Moon

  • Pre-Primary Ballet, Sleeping Beauty

  • The Groove & Flow Experience for Children & adult participant. Winchester Public Library 1-30-21


  • WIC Good Food Project: Zoodles & Mock Mashed Potatoes

  • WIC: Good Food Project - ICE CREAM SPECIAL

All About STEM

  • books


    The collaboration between The Early Childhood Alliance of Framingham (ECAF) and partner MathWorks to promote STEM education for our youngest learners resulted in a product that allowed us to train educators and families on laying the foundation of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math at the earliest point in life when learning is easy and natural.  Young children are born scientists and engineers, they are naturally curious and enjoy solving problems. As children discover the world around them, they are learning and experimenting every step of the way. Introducing the ideas of STEM to preschoolers is fun and easy. Exploring the way the wind moves objects (science!); using tools to observe collected sticks, rocks, and leaves (technology!); building a tower with blocks (engineering!); and cutting, sorting, and recognizing shapes (math!).

    STEM learning can support early math development and critical thinking skills in preschoolers today, which will encourage aspiring future scientists, developers, engineers, and mathematicians like the ones at companies like MathWorks. 

    The following booklets provide a variety of activities that introduce STEM concepts in a fun and playful way that will inspire young children to keep exploring and keep learning.  

    Introduction & Appendix 
    Book 1
    Book 2

    Science & Technology
    Book 2 

     Engineering & Math
    Book 3
    Book 3










Social Emotional Learning

  • What is Social Emotional Learning?

    Social Emotional Learning (SEL) is the process through which children and adults acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes, and skills competencies necessary to:

    • Develop self-awareness and positive mindsets
    • Understand, manage, and regulate emotions and behaviors
    • Establish and maintain respectful and caring relationships
    • Promotes a safe and welcoming learning environment
    • Make a responsible decision
    • Communicate and cooperate effectively
    • Manage learning to experience academic success

    We at the Early Childhood Alliance, as part of the Framingham Public Schools, promote social emotional learning with families and their young children, right from the start!

Framingham Public Schools Character Traits

  • September - Responsibility: teach how to take care of their toys and space.

    October - Respect: model manners, acts of kindness, validate feelings.

    November - Gratitude: talk about things you are grateful for and find different ways to show appreciation of others.

    December - Cooperation: take turns, give suggestions not commands, help problem solve when needed.

    January - Kindness: use everyday events to point out and talk about empathy and perspective taking.

    February - Acceptance: help talk through difficult topics and develop their awareness of diversity, celebrate different cultures.

    March - Confidence: encourage to try new things, give help when needed, praise their efforts.

    April - Determination: never give up, no matter how difficult something is, resilience and learning positive coping skills is critical.

    May - Compassion: model kindness and understanding, talk about how they can help others in need.

    June - Pride: praise specific behaviors and actions, tell them when you are proud of them.

Virtual Educational Programs