
    The ParentChild+ Program helps support you and your family in your role as your child's first and most important teacher. It is open to eligible families in Framingham with a child 16-36 months.

    Throughout the 23 week school year, an Early Learning Specialist  visits your family in the home and/or virtually and brings free educational toys and books for your child to keep. Visits are 30 minutes long, twice a week, and can be scheduled at your convenience, day or early evening. This is a 2 year program, where together you will  discover creative ways to read and play with your child and become actively involved in your child's education.

    We envision a world where every child enters school ready to succeed because every parent has the knowledge, skills, and resources to build school readiness where it starts: the home! 

    Children in the ParentChild+ Program

      -Score better on school readiness measures 

      -Score at or above the national average on reading and math tests 

      -Are more likely to graduate from high school


    To learn more, complete the form by following the link

    Information Form English

    Formulario de Información Español

    Formulário de Informações Português