Welcome to my class!

  • Janete Velky

    About the Classroom
    Through the readingof fiction and nonfiction texts students increase their exposure to a variety of text structures and different uses of the language. Through
    comprehension the children are able to find explicit information on the text, develop the ability to make inferences and participate in discussions, expressing their opinion not only orally, but also through writing and drawings. The writing activitiesare presented gradually and permeate all academic areas.

    The math curriculum builds deep conceptual understanding, through reasoning, communication and problemsolving. Science and Social Studies topics are presented in a thematic and integrated manner, according to the IB International Baccalaureatemodel, where students develop their abilities to become active and responsible members of our complex society.We understand that active family participation is essential to the children’s academic success.

    Therefore, the lines of communication are always open. Please make use of them!
    Let’s all have agreat year!
