January 5, 2021
Senior Photos
Senior photos were due January 1 for the senior pages in the yearbook. Those pages are being designed NOW so placement CANNOT BE GUARANTEED if the photo is not received ASAP. Each student must have the photographer who took their photo submit it to kahokian@cusd.kahoks.org attached in jpeg format sized at 300 resolution and 3 x 3.5 inches.
Senior Ads
Congratulatory yearbook ads to honor seniors are now on sale. See this Senior Ad Order Form for complete information, including cost, sizes available, specifications and the required order form. All forms, photos, & payment are due on or before Friday, March 12, 2021.
Yearbook Orders
Yearbook orders are still being accepted. The cost is $48 until February 1, 2021 when the price will increase to $55. All 2021 graduates will receive their books in the mail next fall. Class of 2021 yearbooks will be sent to the address provided when ordering. ALL other yearbooks will be available at school for pick-up in fall 2021.
Use THIS LINK to place a yearbook order.
For more information or answers to questions, please contact:
Kahokian Sponsor
Mrs. Geppert
618-346-6320 ext. 1226