November 10, 2021 – Collinsville Community Unit School District #10 Superintendent Dr. Mark B. Skertich shared the following update with families and the community today:
Kahok Families,
The school year is flying by as we quickly approach the middle of November. We only have seven school days until Thanksgiving Break and thirty-one school days remaining until Winter Break. Please be safe as you navigate the holiday season. If your family or organization would like to sponsor a local family to help provide holiday gifts, please email or
Following the emergency authorization and distribution of COVID-19 vaccines for five- through eleven- year-olds, the Illinois Department of Public Health has begun scheduling vaccine clinics in school districts. Renfro Elementary will be the site of two vaccination clinics for students five years and older, as well as community members wishing to be vaccinated. The clinics will be held on November 15th and December 6th from 3 p.m. until 8 p.m. in the Renfro Elementary Gymnasium. Walk-ins are welcome, but we encourage families to register in advance by clicking HERE. All students under the age of eighteen must be accompanied by a parent/guardian.
It is only November, but mother nature operates by her own rules. Please take a few moments to prepare in advance for the winter season by refreshing your knowledge of how the district will handle “snow days” before they occur. These determinations will be made with as much advance notification as possible, however, the necessity of early morning decisions may be required depending on the weather situation. Click on THIS LINK to access information regarding our E-Learning Days. Specific schedules and expectations for E-learning days will be communicated by your child’s classroom teacher(s) and building principal.
Please use THIS LINK to access a Veterans’ Day video as we honor all who have served our country both past and present. School will not be in session tomorrow on Veterans’ Day, but this doesn’t mean meaningful conversations cannot happen at home around the kitchen table as our country honors our armed forces. If you know a veteran or pass a service member on the street, please thank them for their service. On behalf of our entire district, Happy Veterans’ Day.
In the days and weeks ahead basketball will be in full swing at CMS and CHS. Our community’s basketball fanatics are excited to see our students compete. I simply ask, don’t forget to wear your purple and show your Kahok Pride. Let’s go Kahoks!
Mark B. Skertich Ed.D.