YoungCitizensAward 2019-20 The Village of Maryville, IL is seeking nominations for the 4th Annual Young Citizens Awards. Any K-12 student who lives, attends church or goes to school in Maryville is eligible.
The Maryville Community Improvement Board (MCIB), together with the Village of Maryville Mayor and Board of Trustees, is sponsoring the 4th annual Young Citizens of the Year Award to “recognize outstanding citizenship from the youth in our community and to encourage students to take an active role in their communities, schools, and churches.”
There will be three age categories: Kindergarten through Grade 4, Grades 5-8, and Grades 9-12.
Nomination forms are due by February 21st, 2020 to The nominations will be reviewed by the MCIB, and winners will be announced in March 2020. Depending on the quantity and quality of submissions, multiple awards may be given for each age group. Award winners and their parents will be invited to the April 2020 Village Board Meeting, and to the Mayor’s Prayer Dinner in May 2020, where they will be recognized. Additionally, names of awardees will be displayed on a plaque in the Village Hall.