Summer School registration closes on Friday, May 14, 2021.
NO students who reside outside of CUSD 10 can enroll in 2021 Summer School.
For complete information on 2021 Summer School:
CHS 2021 Summer School Information Packet
2021 Programa de Escuela de Verano – Paquete de Información
Registration Information
Collinsville High School accepts registration packets on a first-come, first-served basis; Registration is complete only when all registration forms and payment have been received. Only students with complete registrations will be added to a class roster.
Registration is open now and closes Friday, May 14, 2021. In case of cancellation, registration fees will be returned. Those students who register for a class that is cancelled may choose to be reimbursed or to enroll in another class after the registration deadline, if space is still available. There will be no cost for classes taken for credit recovery. Classes taken for reasons other than credit recovery will be $100.00 per .5 credit session. Students may take a maximum of two .5 credit courses ($200.00 total).
In-person/remote instruction
Summer school is scheduled to be in-person. However, CHS administration reserves the right to change that to hybrid/remote at any time based on the safety of the students and staff. Students will not have the option to choose to be remote.
Completed online registration and full payment must be completed by the end of the day on Friday, May 14, 2021. Please direct any questions to CHS Counseling Department. Office hours are 7:15 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. or call (618) 346-6320 ext. 1129.
Driver’s Education Summer School
Private and parochial school students who reside within the geographic boundaries of Collinsville CUSD 10 and CHS students who qualify may register to take Driver’s Education during the summer. Driver’s Ed is available at a cost of $250.00 and is arranged by Driver’s Education Coordinator Mrs. Cara Gresh. She can be reached at 618-346-6320 ext. 1117 or
Registration and payment for Summer School Driver’s Education are handled through the same system as CHS Summer School.
How to Register for CHS Summer School
- Click HERE or use the Quick Link above.
- You will be directed to the Summer School Web Store. If you do not already have a login from previously paying fees to CUSD 10, you will need to create an account. Follow the steps to complete the registration and payment process. The registration site also includes a registration and payment tutorial document for your assistance.