On Sunday, February 28, 2016 the Illinois Regional College Fair will be held at Southwestern Illinois College.
#SWICFair is a great opportunity for students and their families to visit with representatives from approximately 100 colleges.
CHS Counseling Department Chair Carla Elliff has been on the event’s planning committee for several years and has seen firsthand how attending a college fair like this one can help students make better and more informed decisions about their future.
“It’s great for families and students to be able to learn all about different colleges in one location. They can identify colleges of interest at the fair and then focus on their top schools when they plan visits,” says Elliff.
Elliff adds it’s never too soon for high school families to start gathering information about colleges. “Students should really start thinking about their options early–we regularly see 9th graders at the fair, so it’s never too early to start this process.”
In addition to representatives from colleges across Illinois, Missouri and the U.S., the fair also includes workshops on financial aid and transfer planning.
For complete information visit swic.edu/collegefair.