Fifth graders Henry Bauer and Emma Pope from Jason Watts’ class at Dorris Intermediate School presented their “STEM-tastic” projects at the Illinois Education and Technology Conference (IETC) in Springfield, Illinois.
According to Mr. Watts, “Emma presented her design work with the 3D printer and Henry showed off some electronic circuits he designed and built with Snap Circuits.”
The conference showcases ways technology is integrated into learning. Participants have an opportunity to show-off their work and explain how their classroom gives them the tools they need to learn.
IETC describes a “STEM-tastic” classroom this way: “Every day we focus our learning on interactive, real world, problem solving and skill building. We bring Science, Technology, Engineering and Math into all areas of our classroom learning. We don’t ask, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” Instead we ask, “What problem do you want to solve today?” To do this we focus on cooperative learning and critical and creative thinking skills. In a nutshell, we get things done and we have fun doing them!”