The Girls on the Run group at at Dorris Intermediate School has prepared for many weeks to participate in the May 11, 2019 Girls on The Run 5K in St. Louis.
The Girls on the Run organization uses running to “inspire and motivate girls, encourage lifelong health and fitness, and build confidence through accomplishment.” Girls in grades 3-8 can participate in Girls on the Run to “become independent thinkers, enhance their problem solving skills and make healthy decisions.” A planned curriculum is used to inspire and motivate the girls.
According to the Girls on the Run St. Louis website:
Meeting twice a week in small teams of 8-15 girls, we teach life skills through dynamic, conversation-based lessons and running games. The 20-lesson curriculum is taught by certified Girls on the Run coaches and includes three parts: understanding ourselves, valuing relationships and teamwork and understanding how we connect with and shape the world at large.
The DIS coach is teacher Leah Davis. She is especially proud of the community service project her team completed. The girls chose to make cards to send to a children’s hospital in St. Louis.
“They are an amazing group of girls and are looking forward to the St. Louis 5K race on May 11th,” said Davis.
At DIS, 34 girls are participating with 11 volunteers. They are among 3,600 girls and 1,200 coaches at 180 schools across 23 countries who are benefiting from the Girls on the Run philosophy.
The May 11th 5K is a community run benefiting the Girls on the Run Scholarship Fund. It gets underway at the Soldier’s Memorial in downtown St. Louis at 7:45 a.m. with a 1 mile Fun Run, followed by the 5K race at 8:00 a.m.