April 2021
Dear Collinsville CUSD10 Parent/Guardian:
RE: Annual Electronic Residence Verification – Batch Services from Thomas Reuters CLEAR
Collinsville Community Unit School District No. 10 is happy to share that we are updating our district practice for annual student residence verification for compliance with District Policy and Illinois School Code. In an effort to honor parent and staff time, Collinsville CUSD10 will be working with a third-party vendor who uses a system called CLEAR Batch to automatically verify parent/guardian residency within the Collinsville CUSD10 boundaries. The CLEAR Batch system reviews public records to verify the parent/guardian name and address. In the past, all households were required to verify residency at the initial time of student enrollment for continued enrollment in the District. This new process will allow Collinsville School District to annually verify parent/guardian residence within the boundaries of the Collinsville CUSD10.
The software will allow staff to conduct electronic residency verification for the district. The intent of the software is to:
- Conduct annual residence verification in an efficient manner.
- Significantly reduce parent time needed to satisfy annual residence verification.
- Significantly decrease staff time taken for the annual residency verification process.
Electronic Residence Verification (ERV) is a new technology that has been proven to be highly successful; we will be using this technology service for the annual residence verification process starting April 12, 2021.
If you would like more information on electronic residence verification, please review our FAQ sheet.
Please know that we are committed to protecting taxpayer dollars through our annual enrollment and residency process. Parents/Guardians will be notified if we are unable to verify your address. Parents/Guardians who have moved and have a different address than is linked to your child’s Skyward account should complete an address change through the CUSD10 Student Services Office (Please bring required Proof of Residency in Category I and Category II). Appointments to make an address change may be made by visiting the CUSD10 Student Services Appointment Calendar.
Online registration for school will open on July 12, 2021 and must be completed for all “residence-cleared” families prior to the first day of student attendance on August 18, 2021.
If the CLEAR Batch system is unable to verify your address throughout the year, or identifies inconsistencies in these public records, you will be notified and required to prove residency through the CUSD10 Enrollment Office. Also, if your address cannot be verified, you will be unable to complete the online registration process.
Parents/Guardians of students attending schools in Unit 10 through a District Education Affidavit may be required to renew the Affidavit prior to completing the online registration.
- Returning students whose families who are determined by the CLEAR Batch screening to reside within the Unit 10 school boundaries, will not need to provide additional residency documents.
- All families with new students to the District will be required to provide all requested documents to prove residency as part of the Online Enrollment process through the Skyward Family Access System. Families that do not pass the CLEAR screening, will also be required to present all requested documents to the CUSD10 Student Services Office in order to prove residency for the upcoming school year.
We look forward to a successful 2021-2022 school year.
If you have any questions about the residency verification process, please contact the District Enrollment Office (618-346-6350) or via email at
Bradley Hyre
Assistant Superintendent