During April, the Collinsville School District will administer the state-required Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) test to students.
Collinsville schools will administer the tests for a few days between April 4-29. Each Collinsville school has chosen specific test dates. Parents received details regarding testing dates. If you are unsure of the dates or have any questions about the tests, please contact your child’s school.
Students in grades 3-8 will be tested in English language arts/reading and mathematics. High School students in English III will be tested in English language arts/literacy. High school students in Algebra II or Algebraic Concepts will be tested in mathematics.
CUSD #10 will use these state test results, along with other information, to help us improve our school program. The results of the PARCC exams will be reported on our Illinois School Report Card in the fall. In addition, at that time, families will receive specific information about each child’s performance on the state tests.
Here are a few tips to make sure your child does his/her best on the PARCC test:
Make sure, if possible your child ATTENDS school on the days of testing.
Make sure your child gets a good night’s SLEEP the night before testing.
Provide BREAKFAST on the mornings of testing.
Remind your child to ASK QUESTIONS if he/she does not understand test directions.
Let your child know you have CONFIDENCE in his/her ability to do his/her best.
Advise your child NOT TO WORRY about the test — just do the best he/she can.
The PARCC results will allow you to see how your child is growing in his/her knowledge and understanding of the state’s learning standards, which are focused on college and career readiness. This assessment is designed to give schools and teachers more information to support improvement efforts and personalize teaching to better guide learning.