The Collinsville High School Players and Thespian Troupe 643 is performing “John Lennon & Me” Thursday, Nov. 15 to Saturday, Nov. 17, at 7.p.m. in the Performing Arts Center at the high school. The cast consists of 17 students from the high school. Tickets are $5 and can be purchased at the door.
The winner of many national awards, the play about life, death, power and first boyfriends was adapted from the popular book, “Good-bye, Best Friend.” Hollywood-wannabe Star, a teenage Beatles fan, has cystic fibrosis and spends most of her time in the hospital. She gets a new roommate, Courtney, who is apparently not very sick. The two girls eventually learn more about each other and understand each other better.
Photo by John Swistak, Jr.
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