Collinsville High School hockey player Hunter Longhi was drafted in May 2018 into the United States Hockey League (USHL) program.
USHL is the nation’s only Tier I Junior League. Over 95% of participants receive an opportunity to play Division I NCAA college hockey. Phase I of the Draft is ten rounds of “Futures” age players. Players drafted by one of the 17 USHL teams attend training camps/tryouts in June and July. Teams will typically have 60-80 players at their training camps. By July 10th, teams must be down to a 30-man protected and 18-man affiliate list.
Hunter, who was drafted by the Dubuque Fighting Saints, will be attending the camps this summer to earn a spot on the team roster.
The purpose of the USHL “is to manage and promote the nation’s foremost level of Junior Hockey development by maintaining the highest level of hockey competition and for providing an environment that fosters development of hockey players, student-athletes and citizens.”