Kahoks United is hosting Anti-bullying Week at Collinsville High School October 15-19, 2018.
Kahoks United is a CHS anti-bullying organization that “encourages students to work together to stop bullying and cyberbullying by increasing awareness of the prevalence and impact bullying has on our school community.”
Each day of the week will feature a different activity to promote inclusiveness and forgiveness:
Monday, October 15
Challenge: Pay it Forward. All student desks will have a post-it note containing a positive message. Each class period students are encouraged to leave a positive message for the next student. The messages will be collected at the end of the day to create a #Goodvibesonly banner for the football game.
Lunch Activity: Come to the Kahoks United table to sign the bully-free pledge.
Tuesday, October 16
Challenge: Introduce Yourself to Someone New.
Lunch Activity: Picture CHS without bullying by taking a picture with new and old friends at the photo booth.
Wednesday, October 17
Challenge: Why hold on to grudge(s)when you can let it go?
Lunch Activity: Write down the grudge(s) and why you’re holding on to it. Decide to forgive and LET IT GO. Pitch your written response in the Kahoks United “grudge trash.”
Thursday, October 18
Challenge: Join the Conversation.
Study Hall Activity: Sign up to join Kahoks United for Conversations Among Kahoks*. We will begin discussion on how our Kahok family can combat bullying.
Friday, October 19, is a “Blue Out”
Challenge: Blue Out Bullying.
Lunch Activity: Join Kahoks United for team building games. We are better when we work together!
On Friday, October 19th, CHS will GO BLUE and Kahoks United is selling official “Blue Out” t-shirts for $7. Pre-orders are being taken now thru October 9, 2018.
Students and staff can show solidarity to stop bullying and cyberbullying by purchasing and wearing shirts on Friday, October 19th. All CHS students wearing this shirt to the football game will receive $2 off the admission price.
The last day to pre-order a shirt is Tuesday, October 9, 2018.
To order a t-shirt for the BLUE OUT click here.
*Join the Conversation Against Bullying
Students are invited to be part of the conversation to prevent bullying at CHS and the community by participating in discussions during study halls on Thursday, October 18.
The conversations will take place during assigned study halls. There are a limited number of seats. The first 50 students in each study hall period will be accepted, so interested students are encouraged to sign up early.
If you are a student and would like to be included on the conversation, please send your name to Ms. Fisher (cfisher1@cusd.kahoks.org) or Mrs. Trapp (ktrapp@cusd.kshoks.org).