Collinsville High School has announced the bell schedule for final exams next Wednesday, December 16, Thursday, December 17, & Friday, December 18, 2015.
The schedule is listed on the CHS Counseling Department website.
Parents wishing to have their child/children dismissed before the regularly scheduled end of the school day MUST complete a “Permission for Early Dismissal on Final Exam Testing” form and return it to the high school main office ON OR BEFORE DECEMBER 11, 2015. Students can obtain the form in the office or during their lunch period.
CHS student dismissal during final exams is 2:25 PM on Wednesday and 12:55 PM on Thursday & Friday.
PLEASE NOTE: Students are required to be in attendance during the class periods and on the days assigned for all final exams. Absences during final exams will require documentation from a medical physician. Any student with a documented absence on a final exam day will be expected to make up the exams no later than the first three days of the second semester. Students may not be permitted to make up final exams for unexcused absences that occur on a final exam day.
Students who have 5th hour lunch/study hall may leave at 12:55 PM (after 4th period) on Wednesday, December 16 provided they have a signed Permission for Early Dismissal submitted to the high school office. Those students who have a 5th hour lunch/study hall who do not leave campus with parent permission will report to lunch from 1:00 PM åÐ 1:25 PM and to study hall from 1:30 PM – 2:25 PM.
Students who have 3rd hour lunch/study hall may leave after their 2nd hour final exam period (11:15 AM) on Thursday, December 17 provided they have a signed Permission for Early Dismissal submitted to the high school office. Those students who have a 3rd hour lunch/study hall who do not leave campus with parent permission will report to lunch from 11:25 AM åÐ 11:50 AM and to study hall from 11:55 AM – 12:55 PM.
Students who have 4th hour lunch/study hall may leave after their 7th hour final exam period (11:15 AM) on Friday, December 18 provided they have a signed Permission for Early Dismissal submitted to the high school office. Those students who have a 4th hour lunch/study hall who do not leave campus with parent permission will report to lunch from 11:25 AM – 11:5 AM and to study hall from 11:55 AM – 12:55 PM.