• Centennial School District Student Success Act Updates
    Centennial School District School Board Members Approve Student Investment Account Application

    The Board of Directors voted 6-0 to approve our application and budget during a virtual board meeting on March 18th, which will now be submitted to the Oregon Department of Education for final grant approval.  Links to our final application and budget, artifacts and supporting documents are included below.  

    Our plan for year one implementation includes the following strategies:

    Increase academic support and targeted interventions for historically underserved populations.
    Increase social-emotional, mental and behavioral support across the district.
    Establish more optimal staff-student ratios and class size across many grade levels.
    Provide more access and expansion of elective courses, co-curricular activities and extended learning time opportunities.
    Provide instructional coaching and targeted professional development for staff and additional curriculum materials to enhance core instruction and reading and math interventions.
    Centennial School District SIA Final Application
    Centennial School District SIA Budget Template
    Centennial School District SIA Budget Summary
    Centennial School District SIA Artifact #1
    Centennial School District SIA Artifact #2
    Centennial School District SIA Artifact #3
    Centennial School District SIA Artifact #4
    Centennial School District SIA Artifact #5
    Centennial School District Equity Lens Tool
    We are pleased to share our Student Investment Account draft application and proposed budget documents for your review and feedback.  These documents were presented for a first reading at our school board meeting yesterday. We are grateful for this historic investment of funding to support our efforts to increase student success.  We will be presenting our plan for approval at next Wednesday’s school board meeting, March 18, 2020, at 6:30 p.m.  During that meeting we will be sharing our final application and budget documents including all artifacts and supporting documents, which will also be posted on our district website following the meeting.    Please send additional comments and further feedback or questions to: info@csd28j.org


    Centennial School District Community Feedback Report
    Centennial School District SIA Draft Application
    Centennial School District SIA Budget Template


    The Oregon Legislature passed and the Governor signed the $2 billion Student Success Act (HB 3427) in Spring 2019. This is an historic and much needed investment in K-12 schools.   The Centennial School District could be able to access an estimated $5.5 million per year through a state application process.

    School districts are required to apply for funds, and must engage their community in a needs assessment prior to the application for funds. We will host a series of Community Conversations – Speak Up 4 Student Success in several locations throughout CSD. Schools will also be conducting community surveys during parent conferences.

    The money will serve two purposes:

    Meet students’ mental and behavioral health needs.
    Increase academic achievement and reduce academic disparities for:
    Students of color;
    Students with disabilities;
    Students navigating poverty, homelessness, and foster care; and other students that have historically experienced disparities in Oregon Schools.


    Here is how the process works:



    Want to know more about the Student Success Act?

    FAQ’s can be found at: https://www.oregon.gov/ode/StudentSuccess/Pages/FAQ.aspx

    INFORMATION SHEETS can be found at:








    For More Information

    For more information, please email info@csd28j.org