Policy Manual
  • Welcome to the Centennial School District Online Policy Manual

    To view policies, click here


    For information about our policies, contact:

    Melissa 'Missy' Grindle
    Board Secretary
    Centennial School District



    Centennial School District
    18135 SE Brooklyn Street, Portland, OR 97236-1049
    503-760-7990 | FAX 503-762-3689

    Please Note: There is a delay between the time the board makes policy changes and the time those changes are available on this site. The policies on this site are for information only and do not reflect any updating activities in progress. Official policies and administrative regulations are available from: Melissa 'Missy' Grindle, Board Secretary <melissa_grindle@csd28j.org> at 503-762-3601.

    All Policies © Copyright 2020 Oregon School Boards Association

    OSBA does not assume and disclaims any and all responsibility for the accuracy, legality and content of the Centennial School District's policies provided on this site.

    All policy documents on this Web site are provided in Acrobat PDF Format.