• Support the Arts at SCHS
    Would you like to support us but aren't sure how?

    The visual arts program at South Caldwell High School receives no federal or state funding and very little county funding. Here are a few ways you can help stock our art rooms with supplies...


    Amazon Wishlist

    We have an Amazon Wish List found here:




    recycled art supplies

    You can donate the following items you may consider trash:

    - Empty yogurt cups, storage containers, to-go containers (plastic ones)

    - Cardboard (not pizza boxes)

    - Magazines

    - Newspaper

    - Plastic water bottles

    - Egg Cartons

    - Old Music, Tissue Paper, Sewing Patterns, discarded books, etc.

    - Random household items that might be fun to draw (fake flowers, lamps, nick-nacks, etc

    - Fabric (like curtains, blankets, etc) and old leather belts




    We are always open to cash donations. If you wish to make a monetary donation, checks can be made out to SCHS. Write "Art Donation" in the memo line and drop it by the front office. 


    Thank you for your support!