
    SCHS Art banner


  • Course Description:

    Beginning Visual Art 1 is the prerequisite class for ALL high school visual art classes including Digital Photography. 


    Beginning Visual Art 1 is a semester course designed to teach students to apply the elements of art and principles of design to the creative process. It is the foundation for art study throughout high school. Beginning Visual Art 1 is designed to build on skills and knowledge developed in Elementary and Middle School art programs. Learners will have experiences in two and three dimensional artworks. Beginning Visual Art 1 students are expected to use a variety of media, techniques, processes, and tools to compose original works of art that demonstrate understanding of the elements of art and principles of design, awareness of aesthetic concerns, and the ability to communicate ideas through artwork. This course explores the 4 aspects of Art: Production, Aesthetics, History and Criticism.


    Beginning Visual Art 1 is open to all students who have a desire to broaden their knowledge of visual arts.