

Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Ballard

Greetings, Kinder Camper Families!

         I am Mrs. Ballard, your student's learning facilitator (teacher) for their Kindergarten experience. Throughout Kindergarten, I will be one of many educators who will aid your student through their first steps of elementary school. I want our communication line to remain open and for us to work together to make the best decisions for your student. We will learn how to read, write and calculate, but we will also learn about social norms, appropriate ways to seek attention and what works best for each individual, while using exploration, investigation and play to grow. I look forward to working with you and your student this year! 

About Me:

         Early on, I was at the Early College through volunteer work, then I became an assistant in the Special Education department in 2016. As a General Education teacher (Western Governors University in 2019). I worked at South Newton Elementary school in 2nd grade and Kindergarten. This is my third year at HES in Kindergarten. During my personal time, I enjoy playing board games and video games with my husband. As well as completing puzzles, reading books every day and working on self-improvement as much as I can.