• Grade level/standard

    Name of kit

    Contents of kit

    Additional info




    8.L.3-Understandd how organisms interact with and respond to the biotic and abiotic components of their environment.


    Pull up a Chair for Dinner



    15 rulers

    Bag of gravel

    26 clear plastic cups

    13 spoons

    26 brown paper bags

    1 bandanna

    1 bag of soil

    15 hand lenses

    2 clear glasses

    1 spray bottle

    1 bag of grass seed

    10 handouts of the

    1 bag rye seed

    3 small condiment cups with lids

    2 title headings

    1 timer

     riverbank environment

    1 bag of colored strips

     1 bag of rubberbands

    Food web game cards

    Black Bear Biology Student Data Page (25)

    dessert food chain student pages (25)

    woodland food chain student pages (25)

    Lesson 6 Data pages (25)

    Lesson 2 Record Sheet (25)



    Setting up an aquarium and terrarium




    8.E.1- Understand the hydrosphere and the impact of humans on the local systems and the effects of the hydrosphere on humans.


    A Drop in My Drink




    2 liter bottles

    2 bottle caps



    Hand lenses


    Drinking straws


    Small containers

    Pipe insulation

    Modeling clay

    Eye droppers

    Spray bottles


    Dish detergent


    Sulfur Powder

    Silicon Powder

    Twine/ Rope 


    Water Cycle Bracelets

    Water Cycle Column


    Weigh To Go

    • Iron Nails
    • Hydrogen Peroxide
    • Copper WireThermometer
    • Pic of Margarine
    • Marshmallows( 2 bags colored &1 bags white)
    • Salt 2- boxes
    • Toothpicks
    • Sugar
    • Construction Paper
    • 8- Petri dish
    • 1-long lighter
    • 2- Sheets Foil
    • 1- Plastic grocery bag
    • Chalk
    • Flavored gelatin
    • 7- Laminated Print out Compound Clipart
    • Baking soda
    • Vinegar
    • Sugar Cubes
    • Soda Crackers



    Changes Through Time


    • Cd
    • 2- Crazy Traits Kit
    • Whale Skeleton cards
    • DNA cards
    • Horse evolution cards
    • Plastic cups
    • Nylon string
    • Colored sand
    • Soil
    • Shells
    • Wood skewers
    • Pipe cleaners
    • Adding Machine paper


    Tye That Bonds

    • Clear Plastic Cups - 80
    • Coffee Filters
    • Ziploc Bags - Quart
    • Ziploc Bags- Sandwich
    • 4.5 oz Lemon Juice
    • 4 oz Yeast
    • 12.6 oz Dawn Detergent
    • Balloons
    • Rubber Bands
    • Plastic Spoons
    • 16 oz Vinegar
    • 16 oz Hydrogen Peroxide
    • Atomic Models in Petri Dishes
    • Paper Bags
    • 3 x 5 Index Cards
    • Mystery Boxes - 15
    • 16 oz Baking Soda
    • White Card Stock
    • 1 qt Epsom Salt
    • 1 Set Element Model Cutouts
    • 15 Candles
    • Matches
    • Calcium Carbonate
    • Litmus Paper (red and blue)
    • 15 Bags of Counting Blocks (1 bag various colors per group


    Achoo...What's In the Air Around You?

    Notebook; 1

    • Activity Cards- From Coffee to Carbon Cards; 10 sets
    • Nutient Agar- 1 (7.5 grams) envelope
    • Petri dishes- 20
    • Sterile swabs- 1 bag
    • Sterile Water- Needed but not supplied
    • 10 sheets A1 chart paper- Needed for Sneeze Zone Activity but not supplied
    • Sugar paper-(AKA: construction paper)- 30 squares
    • Red, Blue, and Black pens- 1 of each
    • Tissues- ziploc baggie
    • Spray bottles- 8
    • Golves- ziploc baggie
    • food coloring (color various: green or yellow)- 1
    • 30 Tubes (28 filled with HCl: unaffected, 2 filled with NaOH: affected pink dot on bottom) Need student to pour ¼ into cups (enough for multiple classes of 30)
    • Phenol red indicator-1
    • Small Cups
    • 1 large bag of M&M’s- Optional activity not provided
    • 1 small bag of skittles- Optional activity not provided
    • 1 Black Light 60 watt bulb (please put in lamp for glo germ activity) PSC can provide lamp if needed contact Misty Barrett to request lamp
    • 1 tube Glo Germ (use sparingly)
    • Kids Discover Microbes-1
    • Kids Discover- Germs


    Power Up!

    • 14- Spoons
    • 7- sets of Dominoes
    • 7- Toy Cars
    • 7- Wind-up toys
    • 1- roll of String
    • Masking Tape
    • Bag of Coffee stirrer sticks
    • 7- Balloons
    • 14- Rubber Bands
    • 14- Plastic Cups
    • 6- Alka-Seltzer tablets
    • 4- Boxes of large paper clips
    • 30- Straws
    • Medicine Dropper





    7.E.1-Understand how the cycling of matter (water and gases) in and out of the atmosphere relates to the Earth’s atmosphere, weather, and climate and effects of the atmosphere on humans.











    Me in Meteorology




















    • 10- Balloons
    • Small Floating object Ex. cork
    • Modeling Clay
    • 2- Medicine Droppers
    • 1- roll String
    • Thread
    • Tape
    • 4- Clear pie pans
    • Straws
    • Lamp 100 watt light bulb
    • Beach Ball
    • Jar w/ lid
    • 2- Thermometers
    • Cotton Balls
    • Small Dish
    • 1 box Food Coloring
    • 30- Clear 6-8 oz Cups
    • Wax
    • Metal Knitting needle
    • Candle and Matches
    • Aluminum foil
    • Apron


    Making a weather station

    Climate Interactions

    Convection and Radiation

    Global Forces

    Exploring El Nino and El Nina

    Atmosphere Stations
















    7.P.1- Understand motion, the effects of forces on motion and the graphical representations of motion


    What Goes Up Must Come Down


    • Note book
    • CD: Movie Clip PBS kids/Motion
    • Power Point/ Motion
    • 7-Stop watches
    • Graph paper
    • 7-Class set: Interpretation Cards
    • 7-Wind Up toys
    • 7- toy cars
    • 7 set-5 Different size Balls
    • 7-Sand paper
    • 7-Wax Paper
    • 7-Bubble wrap
    • 1-Tape roll



    Walking Lab

    Rolling Derby

    Downhill Racers


    What's Eating You?

    • CD: BrainPop: Food Chains
    • Elodea
    • 1 roll of Yarn or string
    • 15-Test tubes
    • Chalk
    • Poster board
    • Adding Tape
    • KIDS DISCOVER: Ecology



    Air You Breathe

    • Notebook
    • Kids Discover: Flowers
    • Lima Beans
    • Mustard Seeds
    • Tape
    • Index Cards
    • Hand Lens
    • Cd: Magic School Bus
    • Preserved Flowers or Provide Your Own Flowers for Dissections
    • 6 Plants of Same Size or Wisconsin Fast Plants (Depending on time of Year)


    Beyond Blastoff!

    • CD
    • KIDS DISCOVER: Space Exploration
    • KIDS DISCOVER: Planets
    • Thick cardboard or card stock
    • 10-rulers
    • 7-compass
    • Poster board -instead of (flat piece of wood)
    • protractors
    • flash light




    5.P.1- Understand force, motion and the relationship between them



    The Apple Doesn’t Fall Far From The Tree


    • Forces Make Things Move by Kimberly Brubaker Bradley- 1
    • Matchbox Cars- 7
    • Ruler-5
    • Aluminum Foil- Baggie
    • Wax Paper- Baggie
    • Soccer Ball or Kick Ball-1
    • Wooden Blocks-10
    • Bubble Wrap-2-5 pieces
    • Sand Paper- 1-2 sheets
    • Bag of marbles
    • Toilet Paper Rolls- 20



    Movement of a matchbox car on a variety of different surfaces


    Forces and Friction lab






    5.E.1-Understand weather patterns and phenomena, making connections to the weather in a particular place and time



    Oh Say Can You Say What’s the Weather Today


    • Flash drive with videos and powerpoint
    • Weather Prompts (Poncho, Umbrella, Sunglasses)
    • CD: Vivalidi The Four Seasons
    • Notebook


    Difference between weather and climate

    Be a Meteorologist




    5.L.2- Understand the interdependence of plants and animals with their ecosystems



    Oh the Places We Go

    • Plastic Microphone
    • Terriums
    • Action Boards
    • Pill Bugs
    • CD: Powerpoint: How DO Plants and Animals Need Each Other
    • Pom Poms
    • Pipe Cleaners
    • Card Stock
    • Baggies (Who Am I Picture Cards) Class Set
    • Baggies (Structure and Function Pics/ Descriptions) Class Sets
    • Interdepence Cards: Class Set
    • String
    • Measuring Tape
    • Book: The Pinic by Chris Baines or One Small Place in a Tree by Barbara Brenner 


    Build a living ecosystem for the class

    Exploring different ecosystems of the world

    Ecosystem Webquest

    Forest Fire Management in ecosystems



    Body Language

    • 1Disc with The Body’s Highways and MSB Flexes its Muscles
    • 1 Spool of yarn
    • Class set of hierarchy cards
    • 10 sets of pictures of living things (4 pictures per set)
    • 10 Lego person models
    • 3 Balls (different types)
    • 10 sets of respiratory cards
    • 10 sets of respiratory puzzle
    • 10 Circulatory Game Boards
    • 10 sets of Circulatory Game Cards
    • 1 Iodine bottle (to be shared by the class)
    • 1 Dropper
    • 1 Sleeve of crackers
    • 1 sandwich bag
    • 1 quart sized bag
    • 1 Piece of clear tubing
    • 1 Leg of panty hose
    • 1 Knee high nylon
    • 2 Paper cups
    • 1 Roll of duct tape


    The Heat is On!

    • Laminated Heat transfer scenes
    • 15- Aluminum pie pans 4 in
    • 15- clothespins
    • 1- bag Chocolate chips
    • 15- tea lite candles
    • 1- box matches
    • 1- shoe box
    • 1- large piece aluminum foil
    • 1- small poster board
    • 1- Masking tape
    • 5- Skewers wooden
    • 28- 6-8 oz cups
    • 7- clear plastic containers
    • 1- bottle food coloring
    • 7- plastic thermometers
    • 7- plastic spoons
    • 7- metal spoons
    • 7- wood spoons
    • 7- jars
    • 7- lg. styrofoam cups
    • 7- paper cups
    • 7- bubble wrap
    • 1- pk. card stock
    • 1- pk. aluminum foil
    • news print


    Where Did You Get Those Genes?

    • Notebook
    • CD: Relaxing Music and Video of trained animal
    • Powerpoint My Favorite Animals
    • Class set -10 Behavior Cards/Pics
    • Class set -10 Habitat Game Cards


    Matter Mattes

    1- “Matter” KIDS DISCOVER Magazine

    • 30- brown paper bags
    • 1- pk index cards lined
    • 1- book Who sank the boat? by Pamela Allen
    • 30- film canisters(  7 w/ steel wool filings,7 w/sand 7 w/ gravel, 7 empty, teachers fill with water or leave empty air)
    • 1- bag 7 lg. paper clips
    • 7- cotton swabs
    • 7- sweetener pks.
    • 3- cups
    • 3- styrofoam bowls
    • 1- Bag of rice
    • 1- measuring  spoon set
    • 1- Aluminum pie pan
    • * please ask PE coach for 2 hula hoops for Venn diagram





    4.L.1- Understand the effects of environmental changes, adaptations and behaviors that enable animals (including humans) to survive in changing habitats




    Oh Beehave!



    Rotten Log Kit (you can check this out from PSC since it contains live organisms)



    A Log’s Life by Wendy Pfeffer


    Flash drive with videos

    Hand Lens- 15 



    Rotten Log Lab

    Termite Lab

    Bee Colony Collapse




    4.E.1- Explain the causes of day and night and the phases of the moon



    The Changing Moon



    Somewhere in the World Right Now by Stacey Schuett

    The Moon Book by Gail Gibbons


    Styrofoam balls (Large and Small)


    Index Cards



    Day and Night

    Sun-Moon-Earth System





    3.P.1 Understand motion and factors

    that affect motion.



    Get A Move On


    • 10 Plastic Squeeze Bottles
    • 10 Plastic Cups
    • 10 Various “Move it!” Items (toys, balls, fans, etc.)
    • 20 Toy Cars
    • 20 Popsicle Sticks
    • 20 Binder Clips
    • 20 Rubber Bands
    • 10 Pencils
    • 10 Rectangular Erasers
    • Aluminum Foil
    • Wax Paper
    • Sand Paper
    • 10 Foam Balls
    • 10 Pieces of Cardboard (for ramps)



    Puff Cup Contest

    Cars Rolling Downhill

    Why do objects move the way they do?






    3.L.2 Understand how plants survive

    in their environments.



    It’s Not Easy Being Green


    STC Kit Soil:

    Teachers Guide

    8 STC Literacy Series™: Soils

    Technology  and premium content website access for teachers

    24 issues of Rocks Kids Discover

    Dual hand lens (30)

    Construction paper, white (50)

    Hole punch

    Clear plastic tray

    Wood Stirrers (240)

    Paper Tray (15)

    8lb bucket red clay

    Plastic pipetts (16)

    Resalable plastic bags (16)

    Crayons (120)

    Open Ended plastic tube (45)

    Plastic Tube (15)

    Tube with cap (75)

    Plastic Planting cup (30)

    Cucumber seeds (75)

    Cotton Balls (300)

    3X5 index cards (100)

    1 oz plastic cup (100)

    Plastic Spoon (3)

    Tongue Depressor (2)

    Wooden Craft stick (30)

    Wooden Dowel Rod

    Coffee Filter (40)

    Sand 5 lb Bag

    Large Plastic Funnel (15)

    Carolina Humus 11 lb bag








    STC kit Plants:

    Teacher’s Guide

    15 student investigation guide
    8 STC Literacy Series™: Plant Growth and Development

    Technology  and premium content website access for teachers

    8 issues of Bees Kids Discover

    Dual hand lens (30)

    Wood stakes (24)

    Planter Ring (34)

    Plastic Pipets (16)

    Paper Tray (30)

    Lima Bean Seed

    Box of toothpicks

    1 oz plastic cups (60)

    Wisconsin Fast Plant Seed


    Potting Mix

    Quad Planter (32)

    Water Tank

    Water mat  (3)

    Wick (144)

    Copper Sulfate Square (3)

    Teaspoon (16)

    Forceps (15)

    Planter Labels (36)

    3 oz paper cups (30)




    Life Cycle of Plants

    Soil/plant growth and development investigation

    Germination and Maturation of a plant



    Welcome to Earth Third Rock From the Sun!

    • Powerpoint: Third Rock from the Sun
    • Handout: Planet Picture Cards (1 set per group)
    • Handout: Planet Puzzler (1 per group or 1 for projection)
    • Handout: Order Up (1 per group or 1 for projection)
    • Handout: Navigating the Solar System Evaluation (1 per student)
    • Teacher Resource: Navigating the Solar System KEY
    • Handout: Diagram Dilemma Evaluation (1 per student)
    • Teacher Resource: Diagram Dilemma KEY
    • Teacher Resource: Solar System Sentences (1 for projection)
    • Teacher Resource: Comparing Models (1 to project)
    • Handout: Thinking About Models (1 per student)
    • Handout: Orbit Order Cubes (1 per group)
    • Handout: Sun Earth Moon System (1 per pair; cut in half)
    • Handout: Astronomers and Astronauts: Scientists Who Made a Difference (1 per student)
    • Teacher Resource: Performance Indicator Instructions KEY
    • 7- Planet Picture Cards sets
    • 1- Yellow plastic ball 14 cm, 5 ½
    • 7- Gallon bags w/ paper plates, tape (transparent)
    • poppy seeds (0.5 to 0.7 mm, see Advance Preparation, 2 per group)
    • blue candy sprinkles (1.3 mm, see Advance Preparation,1 per group)
    • white candy sprinkles (1.2 mm, see Advance Preparation,1 per group)
    • popcorn kernels, small beads, or large peppercorns (5 mm, 2 per group)
    • gum balls, jaw breakers, or small marbles (12 mm, 1 per group)
    • gum balls, jaw breakers, or small marbles (14mm, 1 per group)
    • Adding machine paper
    • colored chalk
    • colored sticker dots
    • unsharpened pencils
    • Flashlight
    • index cards
    • yarn
    • 7- Ordit Order Cube sets
    • 14-Newsprint/Butcher paper 12”x 18”
    • Black pepper 3.8 cm
    • 10- craft sticks
    • 30- brass fasteners
    • 7- resealable plastic bags
    • Moving model of Sun/Earth/Moon system




    2.L.1 Understand animal life cycles.


    Animals Have Needs too


    • Book- Animal Coverings by by Luana K. and Wagner Mitten
    • Book-Move! by Steve Jenkins and Robin Page
    • Book- Look What Mouths Can Do by D. M. Souza
    • 1- pk. index cards
    • Magazines of animals and young
    • Color pictures of animals
    • Example of Food Chain 
    • 1- Lady Bug kit
    • Magazines showing animals 
    • Color pictures of animals
    • Example of Food Chain 


    How do you resemble your parents?

    How do other organisms resemble their parents?

    Learned Behaviors

    Life Cycle Stages

    How do organisms depend on their environment?




    2.E.1 Understand patterns of weather

    and factors that affect weather.




    Flash, Crash, Rumble and Roll


    • 5 Globe Cloud Charts 
    • Book: Flash, Crash, Rumble and Roll by Franklyn M. Branley
    •  1 Large Class Demonstration Thermometer
    • 1 Rain Guage
    • 1 Windsock or Weather  Vane
    • String (6inch piece for each group)
    • 10 Wide mouth jars (1 per group)
    • Borax (3tbsp per jar)
    • 10 Small wooden rods or pencils
    • 5 Thermometers
    • 1 Pack of construction paper
    • 2 Rolls of crepe paper
    • 1 Roll of yarn


    Explore temperature, precipitation, cloud cover, wind conditions.

    How does location affect temperature?



    Down and Dirty!

    • CD: MSB Inside Earth and Blows its Top
    • Video: Importance of Water
    • Video: What are rock?
    • Rock sets: Shiny, Smooth, Rough, Flat, Colorful( different sizes)
    • Kool Aid pk
    • Jell-o box
    • Tea bag
    • Hot Coco pk.
    • Animal Pics: ex. ( rabbit, Human, Ants, Fox, Tarantula)
    • Cat litter bag
    • Toothpaste
    • Facial Mask


    Pulling Together, Pushing Apart

    • Heavy cord -6 meters( 20 inches)
    • Lg. Wooden bead
    • Wood Block 1”x4”x9”
    • Class set- Buttons & string
    • Donut shaped magnets
    • Card board( card stock)
    • Thread


    Do Plants and Animals Need Each Other?



    Roll With It

    • Book- “ Where” by Susan Ring
    • 1- Cd The Number Crew: Fit Club
    • 7- small balls
    • 7-  Hot Wheels
    • 7- wood blocks (flat side)
    • 1- pk. post it notes
    • 10 yds. yarn (chains)
    • 1- pk. note cards (seat)
    • 30- unsharp pencils (bar)


    Circles of Life

    • 1- “Heydiddle” Poster
    • 1- “Hey diddle” rhyme and pictures
    • 1- Living and nonliving chart for students
    • 15- sandwich bags
    • 15- note cards blank unlined
    • 3- same plant (observation)
    • 2 kind fish( guppy, goldfish)
    • 2 kind snail (land, aquatic)
    • 2 kind earthworm ( night, red) in containers
    • 1-fish aquarium (plastic)
    • 1- terrarium
    • fish food
    • Order Foss 2 by 2 animal kit
    • eloda
    • 1-fish tunnel
    • oatmeal
    • 15- sm.plastic cups (aka. bug boxes)
    • 1- baggie of misc. objects( ex.  
    • buttons, blocks)
    • 7- bag assorted Shells (10)


    What's The Weather?

    • Post it notes (1 per student, plus 100)
    • 11 Weather Stamps
    • Date stamp
    • Stamp Pad
    • 4” x 6” fabric (30)
    • Cardstock (10 sheets)
    • Poster of “Its Hot” by Shell Silvertein
    • Poster of “Who Has Seen the Wind” by Christina Rossetti
    • Books:  Weather Words by Gail Gibbons, City Storms by Mary Jessie Parker
    • 7 Plastic  Cups
    • 7 Aluminum Pie Pans
    • Water Based Paints






    Additional materials available for check out or purchase at PSC


    Live organisms (Seasonal):




    Painted Lady Butterflies

    Praying Mantis

    Wax Moths

    Darkling Beetles

    Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches


    Life cycle Manipulatives:



    Earthworms (3)

    Monarch Butterfly (3)

    Silkworm (3)

    Frogs (7)


    <!--[if !mso]-->

    <!--[endif]--> Sea Turtles (2)

    Meal Worms (3)

    Green Bean Plant (1)

    Ladybugs (5)

    Praying Manits (3)





    Explore weather and climate: 25 great projects, activities and experiments (2)

    How the Weather Works (2)

    Sheep in a Jeep (2)

    The Moon Book  by Gail Gibbons (6)

    Somewhere in the World Right Now by Stacey Schuett (4)

    What’s in the Pond by Anne Hunter (2)

    Near One Cattail: Turtles, Logs, and Leaping Frogs by Anthony D. Fredericks (2)

    River of Life by Debbie S. Miller (2)

    Magic School Bus Lost in the Solar System (2)

    Magic School Bus Sees Stars (2)

    There’s No Place Like Space (2)

    Max Goes to Mars (2)

    Oh Say Can You Say What’s the Weather Today (2)

    Flash, Crash, Rumble and Roll (2)

    The Bee Tree (2)

    The Bee Man (2)

    A Log’s Life (4)

    What if There Were No Bees (2)

    Ant, Ant, Ant! An Insect Chant  (2)

    Be A Friend to Trees (2)

    Bridges! Amazing Structures to Design and Build (2)

    Bringing the Rain to Kapiti Plain.  A Nandi Tale (2)

    Bubble Bubble (2)

    Bugs are Insects (2)

    Butternut Hollow Pond (2)

    A Cool Drink of Water (2)

    Curious George Plants a Tree (2)

    Curious George Plants a Seed (2)

    Diary of a Worm (2)

    A Drop in My Drink:  The Story of Water on our Planet (2)

    Electrical Circuits (2)

    Erosion (2)

    Forces Make Things Move (3)

    From Seed to Plant (3)

    Grandpa’s Surprise (1)

    How a Seed Grows (3)

    I Fall Down (1)

    Imaginative Inventions: The Who, What, Where, When (2)

    The Important Book (2)

    Jack’s Garden (2)

    John Muir: America’s Naturalist (2)

    Lucas and His Loco Beans (2)

    The Magic School Bus Plants a Seed (1)

    Mrs. Armitage, Queen of the Road (1)

    Newton and Me (1)

    Oil Spill! (2)

    One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish (1)

    Our Tree Named Steve (1)

    Papa, Please Get The Moon For Me (2)

    Perfect Pet (2)

    Pop! A Book About Bubbles (2)

    Prince William (2)

    A River Ran Wild: An Environmental History (1)

    Roller Coaster (3)

    Somewhere in the World Right Now (1)

    Spots of Light: A Book About Stars (2)

    Sunshine on My Shoulders (2)

    Too Many Toys (2)

    The Very Hungry Caterpillar (2)

    The Water Cycle (1)

    Water Dance (1)

    The Water Hole (1)

    Weird Friends: Unlikey Allies in the Animal Kingdom (2)

    What’s Eating You? Parasites (2)

    When I Heard the Learn’d Astronomer (1)

    Where the River Begins (1)

    White Owl, Barn Owl (2)

    Wiggling Worms at Work (2)








  • Please contact PAmy Philyaw at 828-728-8407 extension 140109 for more information.