Phone: 704-260-6230 EX;442


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor's Music Education - ECU;Master's Music Education - UNC-Greensboro;National Board Certification - Early/Middle Grades Music, Off-Schuelwerk Level 2

Mrs. Linda Palko

Link to Mrs Palko's Canvas Page 

Use code CLXWTA to register

5th Graders: Talent Show Info in on Mrs. Palko's Canvas

There resources available for music and arts for students and families to enjoy here on my webpage.  Parents:  you don't have to be a musician or singer to bring music into the lives of your children.  Music can bring focus, calm, peace, energy, and a means for self expression that are all important during stressful times.  Please check out the "documents" and "useful links" buttons on this website.


All 3rd, 4th and 5th Grade PES students will be playing recorder this year!

Please make sure you get a recorder from one of the venders I recommended on the "Recorder Ordering Information" document available either here at my Documents tab, or on your student's Grade Level Music Canvas Course.

 Recorders can be cleaned and sanitized by putting them in the dishwasher!  Or just use hot soapy water, rinse and air-dry.






I am Linda Palko and I am the music teacher at Patriots STEM Elementary School.  This is my 6th year here at PES and I am excited about continuing to add new things to our program every week!  I went to East Carolina University for my bachelors degree and earned my masters at UNC-Greensboro.  I am National Board Certified in Early/Middle Childhood Music, and  I have my Level 2 in Orff-Scheulwerk.  

When I am not busy teaching music, I love spending time with my husband  and my family.  I love traveling, being outdoors, going to concerts and art shows, reading great books, and playing the flute.  

 If you take a took through the "Documents"  and "Useul Links" tabs you will find things that relate to what we are doing in class.



Last Modified on May 14, 2021