Phone: 704-260-6290 Ext.


Degrees and Certifications:

Associates of Arts Bachelors of Arts Master of Education

Mrs. Horne -Science/Social Studies
704-260-6290 Ext. 
I graduated from Wingate College with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Elementary Education. After teaching for several years, I went to UNCC and earned my Masters of Education Degree.
I will be teaching science and social studies.

Important Announcements

    5th Grade's Weekly Assignments: Families please click on the link below. It will take you to a webpage that will help you understand what your child is expected to turn in each week.
    You will be able to view current and previous assignments.  

    Be sure to check back on the RRES Web Site each weekday to listen to the next chapter of The BFG-our One Book One School reading selection. 

    Meal pickup at RRES will be from 11 am - 1 pm in the bus parking lot.


     Good attendance is critical for success in school. All absences will be coded unexcused unless an email or a written note from the parent/guardian is received within three days. Tardies and early dismissals both are reflected on the report card as tardies. State law allows absences to be excused for the following reasons:

    Illness or injury
    Death in the immediate family
    Medical or dental appointments
    Court or administrative proceedings
    Religious observance
    Educational opportunity - Your request must be submitted for consideration at least three days prior to absence. An explanation of the trip/opportunity must be given.

    Please fill out either the Absence Excuse Form or the Educational Opportunity Form. It will be sent directly to our data manager. Our data manager will forward the information to your child's teacher. Don't forget to click the send now button.

    **Click here to complete the RRES Elementary Absence Excuse Form.

    **Click here to complete the RRES Elementary Educational Opportunity Form online or click here to download the K-8  Educational Opportunity Form. This form can then be filled out and turned into our front office. Remember to send the form in three days prior to absence.

Class Schedule

  • Day 1 Schedule

    7:45-8:15     Arrival/Unpack/Breakfast/Morning Work

    8:15-8:20     Transition/Bathroom

    8:20-9:05     Special: Fit Lab

    9:05-9:10     Transition/Bathroom

    9:10-9:35     Morning Meeting

    9:35-10:50   Block 1: Mrs. Eudy’s Homeroom/Brain Break

    10:50-11:20 Block 3: Mrs. Horne’s Homeroom/Brain Break

    11:20-11:25 Transition/Bathroom

    11:25-11:50 Lunch – Line 1 Table 8

    11:50-12:00 Transition/Bathroom

    12:00-12:30 Recess: Lower Fields

    12:30-1:40 Block 3: Mrs. Horne’s Homeroom/Brain Break

    1:40-2:50 Block 2: Mrs. Woods’ Homeroom/Brain Break

    2:50-3:00 Prepare for Dismissal

    3:00-3:15 Dismissal



    Days 2-6 Schedule

    7:45-8:15     Arrival/Unpack/Breakfast

    8:15-8:20     Morning News Broadcast/Take attendance

    8:20-8:40     Morning Meeting  

    8:40-10:00   Block 1:  Mrs. Eudy’s Homeroom/Brain Break

    10:00-11:20 Block 2: Mrs. Woods’ Homeroom/Brain Break

    11:20-11:25 Students return to homerooms/transition to lunch

    11:25-11:50 Lunch – Line 1 Table 8

    11:50-12:00 Transition/Bathroom

    12:00-12:30 Recess

    12:30-1:40 Block 3: Mrs. Horne’s Homeroom/Brain Break

    1:40-2:00   I/E

    2:00-2:10 Pack bookbags and take to Specials

    2:10-3:00 Specials

    3:00-3:15 Dismissal

Daily Rotation Schedule

  • Day 1 - Fit Lab
    Day 2 - Service Learning
    Day 3 - Innovation
    Day 4 - P. E.
    Day 5 - Art
    Day 6 - Music
  • All Categories
  • Unassigned
  • English/Language Arts
  • Spelling List
  • Math
  • Social Studies
  • Science
  • Select Month
  • January
  • February
  • March
  • April
  • May
  • June
  • July
  • August
  • September
  • October
  • November
  • December
  • Select Year
  • 2022
  • 2023
  • 2024
  • 2025

Current Assignments

There are no current assignments.

Past Due Assignments

Last Modified on April 6, 2020