Meet Mrs. Adragna

  • I'm so excited to be back at Coltrane-Webb and starting a brand new year! My name is Melissa Adragna (formally Sedziol) and this is my ninth year as part of the CWES family. I am originally from Cincinnati, Ohio where I graduated from the University of Cincinnati. I moved to Charlotte about 10 years ago where I attended UNC Charlotte. I have worked with infants, toddlers, preschool, pre-k and Kindergarten, but I absolutely love teaching First Grade! I live in Kannapolis with my wonderful husband, Rob, our two dogs, Luke and Meadow, and our brand new son, Donovan. In my free time I love to be outside, drink coffee, read, and take walks. This year will be unforgettable and I am eager to start!

    I am on maternity leave through 1st quarter with my son, Donovan. I can't wait to return in October and work with your children. During 1st quarter our class will have two wonderful teachers! Ms. Howard and Ms. Newsome will be with our class and helping to start our year. Since we have multiple teachers in our classroom to start the year, we are asking that you keep communication to handwritten notes and phone calls to the office. In ClassDojo, messages go to just the selected teacher and we cannot all see it. We want to make sure the teacher is not missing any important communication!

    I look forward to connecting with you! You can email me at or send me a message on ClassDojo!




Last Modified on August 25, 2022