Phone: 704-260-6390


Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Saunders

I am Miriam Saunders.  I have lived in Concord all of my life. I have worked at Wolf Meadow since 1994. I love Kindergarten! 

When I am not at school, I enjoy running, reading, and playing Bridge. My husband and I just moved into my grandparents' house and the summer has been crazy. I am excited to get settled and back to the routine of school. One of my goals is to run a half marathon in each of the fifty states with my husband.  So far, I have completed 12 states.

I can't wait to get to know all of my new students and families.





    I am looking forward to a great year.  It is amazing the growth students make in Kindergarten. You will see your child begin to read and write sentences. You will see him or her begin to be more of a problem solver. It is an exciting time!

    Comments (-1)

Contacting Me

  • Feel free to contact me with any questions.  You can write a note in your child's agenda, email, text or leave a voicemail message.  My Google Voice number will be on the front of your child's folder. This is a great way to contact me. I check email regularly, but may not be able to check this during the student day.  Also, if you leave a voicemail, I will respond as soon as I can.  



  • 1.  Follow Directions
    2.  Think Safety
    3.  Move Quietly
    4.  Show Respect--No Bullying
    Comments (-1)

Class Schedule


    Normal Schedule

    7:30-7:40 Morning Meeting

    7:40-8:40 Reading

    8:40-8:55 Structured Play

    8:55-9:35 Writing

    9:35-10:25 Encore

    10:30-10:57 Lunch

    11:00-12:15 Math

    12:15-12:35 Recess

    12:35-1:10 PAW Time

    1:10-1:55 Word Work

    1:55 Pack up

    2:00 Dismissal







    Friday-Media/Digital Kids


Last Modified on August 25, 2022