• Library Materials

    Students are welcome to check out two library books for three weeks as long as there are no fines on their accounts. If the students need the book for a longer duration they may renew the materials as long as another student has not requested them.

    Classroom Materials

    Please be sure to check your child's books. Many of these books are consumable or used for one year only (i.e. Springboard in Language Arts). Other textbooks are traditional with hardcovers and bar codes inside (i.e. Social Studies, Algebra).  Students are expected to turn in the books that were originally issued. If a student turns in a book that does not have the same bar code as the one that was checked out, the student is still responsible for the original book.
    Please be aware that Bremerton School District Policy 2410 states that "student graduation certificates or transcripts may be withheld until the student pays for any school property that has been lost or willfully damaged." It is not the intention of Mountain View Middle School to retain transcripts or continue fines through Bremerton High School but it is vital that learning resources be recovered for other students to be able to use.
    If your child has an overdue item, please return it to school as soon as possible. Our goal is not to fine students but to retain our materials so others can use them. 
    Overdue notices are sent to students through Connections classes several times per month. If you would like a notice sent to you, please contact one of the people below requesting so.
    To check on the status of fines for your student please contact the library or check your student's Skyward account. Library fines are tabulated in the student record in the Skyward login.