• Science 

    The curriculum for middle school science is based on physical science (8th), life science (7th),  and earth and space science (6th). Multiple learning activities are presented to help students build many learning styles. Hands-on labs encourage students to explore the scientific method and to work collaboratively.
    The teachers for the Science department include:
    Mr. Hayden - Science - 8th grade
    Mrs. Kilday - Science - 8th grade/8th grade honors  
    Mrs. Munzi - Science - 6th grade/8th grade
    Ms. Thayer - Science - 6th grade
    Ms. Uptegraft - Science - 7th grade/7th grade honors
    Mrs. Flannagan - Science 6th grade
    Mrs. Wilson - Science - 7th/7th grade honors/8th grade honors
    Department Head - Bianca Wilson
Last Modified on September 27, 2022