- Arizona Middle School
- Meet The Teacher
Degrees and Certifications:
Mrs. Peacock
Arizona Middle School
Mrs. Peacock
Email: Brittany.peacock@alvord.k12.ca.us
Donors Choose Web page: http://www.donorschoose.org/bpeacock
7th Grade Science
I would like to take this opportunity to welcome your child and family to the 2015-2016 school year at Arizona Middle School. Another year is upon us and I look forward to the opportunity to be a part of the educational development of your child. This letter is to properly inform you of the academic and behavioral standards your child will be asked to meet/exceed this year. It is critical that every opportunity for instruction be taken advantage of fully. In addition, it is important that your student demonstrate proper behavior and study habits. I ask for your help to ensure that your student behaves properly in class and completes their work on a daily basis. By working together, we are sure to have a successful year.
Course Overview
- Unit 1: Structure and Properties of Matter
- Unit 2: Chemical Reactions
- Unit 3: Energy flow
- Unit 4: Ecosystem interactions, energy, and dynamics
- Unit 5: Earth’s Systems
- Unit 6: Earth and Human Activity
- Unit 7: Natural Resources
Materials: are essential to learning and must be brought to class everyday
-One 3 subject spiral notebook (370 pages) or 2 notebooks with 185 pages each
-Pens (blue or black) and Pencils
-Glue Stick and/or tape
-Colored Pencils/Markers
-Paper (8 ½ by 11)
-Ruler (no metal edges)
-School Safe Scissors
Classroom Expectations: no behavior will be tolerated which keeps me from teaching and/or students from learning.
*Follow all Classroom Procedures
*Be Polite
*Come prepared and on time
*Be Respectful
*Follow all School Rules
Students are expected to make up any work missed due to an absence. It is the student’s responsibility to get the assignments missed and make them up within the allowed time frame. Please be sure to check the “ABSENT BUCKET” if you are absent. If the student was absent when a lab was done, students will write a one page essay (3 paragraph, 15 sentences) covering the topic that they missed. Students must also copy any missed QOD ?’s, notes, or exit cards.
Any work that is assigned is due at the beginning of the next class period, unless otherwise stated. You must show all work to receive full credit. Stamp Sheets will be used in this class and are to be signed by a parent every thursday unless otherwise stated. Students will be given 2 late slips per semester to be used for missing homework assignments. Late slips must be completely filled out, signed by a parent, and in ink.
Grading Scale
90% and up =A 80-89.9%=B 70-79.9%=C 60-69.9%=D Below 60%=F
Student Name:_____________________________________________Period:______
Parent Signature:_______________________________________________________