Principal's Message

  • Welcome to Mexico Elementary School!

    It is my great honor to serve as the new principal for Mexico Elementary.  I look forward to working with families, staff, and the Mexico community to provide a positive educational experience for the children in our school.  Through wonderful programs like “Leader in Me” and strong curriculum, our goal is to prepare students to be responsible, productive, and creative as they move through their education and into the world.  Mexico Elementary will provide the lasting foundation upon which strong futures will rest.  

    Our dedicated staff at Mexico Elementary provides a nurturing environment which addresses the academic, social, physical, and emotional needs of each child.  We strive to deliver well rounded experiences for all aspects of a child’s growth and look forward to working closely with families to help each child be successful.  We hope you will join us in this mission.  Please contact me with questions or concerns.  I hope to meet all our Mexico Elementary families very soon.


    Lisa Voegler

    Principal, Mexico Elementary School







Image of Lisa Voegler - Principal
    Lisa Voegler

    26 Academy Street
    Mexico, NY 13114
    315-963-8400 ext 2310

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