• Physical Education Department Philosophy

     Physical Education is a comprehensive developmental program focused on the education of the whole person.  Our program is an integral part of the total education process and has the same goals that give purpose to all learning experiences.  The interdisciplinary nature of physical education provides opportunities for all children to achieve the knowledge, skills, and values that will develop and enhance their sense of wellness, as well as, improve their health to maximize the quality of their lives.


    Physical Education Department Mission Statement

    To develop a quality physical education program that emphasizes enjoyable participation in physical activities; to help students develop the knowledge, attitude, motor skills, social skills and confidence needed to begin and maintain a healthy physically active lifestyle for the rest of their life.

    District Vision for Physical Education

    Every person at Mexico Academy will become a physically educated person who:

    •  Has the skills necessary to perform a variety of physical activities

    •  Acquires the knowledge and skills to stay physically fit

    •  Participates regularly in physical activity

    •  Knows the implications of and benefits from involvement in physical activities

    •  Values physical activity and its contribution to a healthy lifestyle

Physical Education Philosophy,Mission and Vision