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Voters approve 2022-2023 Budget, elect school board members

Thank you to the Baldwinsville Central School District community for passing the 2022-2023 general fund budget and additional propositions.

2022-2023 Budget Vote Preliminary Results:

Yes: 2183
No: 698
Proposition II: Annual Bus Purchase
Yes: 2211
No: 668
Proposition III: Capital Project
Yes: 2122
No: 742
Proposition IV: 2022 Capital Reserve Fund
Yes: 2141
No: 703
Proposition V: Land Acquisition
Yes: 2177
No: 658

School Board: (3 seats, 3-year terms)

Luke Gasowski: 935
Tanya Rosado-Barringer: 1486
Lyndsey Hodkinson: 291
Robert Duke: 368
Denise Falso: 1174
Wayne Davison Jr.: 1283
Claudine Holtman: 819
Sam (Sherry) Schraven: 1630