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Voters approve 2023-2024 Budget, elect school board members

Thank you to the Baldwinsville Central School District community for passing the 2023-2024 general fund budget and additional propositions.

2023-2024 Budget Vote Preliminary Results:

Yes: 1999

No: 843

Proposition II: Student Transport Vehicles

Yes: 2105

No: 739

Proposition III: Capital Project

Yes: 1967

No: 884

Proposition IV: 2023 Capital Reserve Fund

Yes: 2045

No: 795

Proposition V: Land Acquisition

Yes: 1910

No: 891

School Board: 

Voters were asked to pick four (4) Board of Education members. Three board positions are for a three-year term and one board position is for a one-year term. The candidate receiving the highest votes will serve from May 17, 2023 through June 30, 2026. The candidates receiving the second and third highest votes will serve from July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2026. The candidate with the fourth highest votes will serve from May 17, 2023 through June 30, 2024.

Luke Gasowski: 1480

Lyndsey Hodkinson: 1137

Donald R. Miller: 1456

Alyssa Cortina: 1209

Victor Jenkins: 2101

Andrew Henty: 1501

Victoria (Tori) Perez-Shires: 1315





(highest number of votes)

Victor Jenkins

(2nd highest number of votes)

Andrew Henty


(3rd highest number of votes)

Luke Gasowski


(4th highest number of votes)

Donald R. Miller
