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Live Stream: Board of Education to Meet on Monday, January 10, 2022

The Board of Education will meet for its regular board meeting on Monday, January 10, 2022 at 7:00 PM at Durgee Junior High School. There will be in-person public attendance. Members of the public will be asked to wear a face covering (mask) and socially distance. 

The public is also invited to watch to the meeting via live-stream, which is available below or by CLICKING HERE.

Public comments are welcome. They are limited to 3 minutes per speaker and a total of 30 minutes for all speakers combined. They should not include specific individuals or positions. Unless appropriate, the Board of Education will respond by letter to the individual's comment/question. Board members will not engage in conversation or comment during this period.

Specific employee or student concerns should be communicated to the Superintendent of Schools during regular business hours.

If there are more than five individuals speaking on the same issue, please limit the topic to just five speakers of your choice as a group.

A video of the meeting will be available within 24 hours on our website. 

Visit BoardDocs for more information.