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The District is launching a Universal Pre-Kindergarten program

What: Baldwinsville Central School District is starting a Universal Pre-Kindergarten (UPK) program
When: January 31, 2022
Where: Palmer and Reynolds Elementary Schools
Ages: Any child living within the Baldwinsville Central School District who is four years of age on or before December 1, 2021.  (The district is unable to honor requests to make exceptions for students who “just miss” the cutoff date)
Hours: Full day

PLEASE NOTE: District transportation will NOT be provided.

Registration will begin on Monday, November 1, 2021

We are excited to be able to offer UPK in our district starting on January 31, 2022.  Due to space limitations, this district-wide program will be housed at Reynolds and Palmer elementary schools.  All district residents are eligible for this program, regardless of our traditional elementary school boundaries.
If you are interested in requesting a space for your child, registration will begin on November 1, 2021. The first step is to complete the online registration, located on the district’s website or by clicking on the pre-registration link:
Once this online form has been completed you will receive a 6-digit session key to ensure it has been done properly.  You will then receive an email from the District Registrar, Kristin Gagnon, with instructions to make an appointment to complete your child’s registration. Your appointment will take place at the District Office until December 13, 2021. Please do not go to your child’s assigned school building to register.
To register, a parent or guardian must provide the district with all of the following:
  • Completed online census (see website link above) with the Student Health History & Home Language Questionnaire forms
  • Proof of residency in the form of a lease or mortgage statement, a school tax bill or a utility bill for your residence;
  • Child’s original birth certificate as proof of age;
  • Completed health appraisal with immunization record form signed by a physician or current immunization record and the date of scheduled exam with the physician, which must be completed after September 1, 2021;
In addition, the district requires copies of custody documents to be on file for students whose parents share legal custody and for students that have a parent who has sole legal custody. 
Enrollment will be confirmed by December 23, 2021. Program and school placement is not guaranteed and will be based on enrollment.
Please contact, the District Registrar, Kristin Gagnon, at or 315-638-6044 x1 to request information. If you do not have access to a computer or the Internet, please call the Registration Office at 315-638-6044 x1 for further instructions.