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High School Artists Brighten Rotary Seneca River Days

Robyn DeBottis, Visual Arts Educator at C.W. Baker High School, five of her students, along with Reynolds Elementary teacher Katie Reap, have banned together on a local project sure to make you smile.

Under the direction of high school arts teacher Mrs.Debottis, the teen artists donated time and talent in order to create three vibrant murals for Seneca River Family Day 2024. Materials were supplied by Baldwinsville Rotary Club and Scott Northrup of State Farm Insurance.

Baldwinsville Rotary Club invites the community to stop by to take selfies and group photos in front of child size butterfly wings, adult size duck wings, and a giant set of angel wings. Celebrate this work of Lauren Wickes, 11th grade, Ella Valentine, 12th grade, Vivian Capone, 11th grade, Keira Delardi, 10th grade, and Sophia Kaubisch, 11th grade, between 12 to 5 p.m. on June 8th.