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Baker Conducts Mock DWI Car Crash for Senior Class

On Thursday, June 6, Baker High School conducted a simulated DWI car crash scene on the district campus for the senior class. The purpose of the simulation was to expose students to the horrific consequences and legal ramifications of driving while intoxicated in order to prevent this type of tragedy from occurring and to guide seniors to making responsible decisions, particularly as the senior ball and the end of the school year approach.
Participating in the presentation were the Baldwinsville Fire Department, the Baldwinsville Police Department, the Greater Baldwinsville Ambulance Corp., the Onondaga County Sheriff’s Office, Maurer Funeral Home, and Air 1.
first responders arrive at mock car crash helicopter arrives at mock car crash
emergency responders work to get victim out of car police conduct a sobriety test on a girl
fire crew cuts roof off of car paramedics wheel student away on a stretcher
emergency responders take body out of car a body lies on the ground covered with a sheet
police examine car for evidence body put into a hearse