Mr. Johansen Makes a Difference
Mr. Johansen teaches at Sugar-Salem High School and has been selected as a Teacher who makes a Difference. He was hired in 2014. He currently teaches Junior and Senior English. Read student comments below:
Mr. Johansen is the man; he is never afraid to be your friend. He is always so kind when you enter his classroom, and he knows how to make your day. I have taken three years of English with him, and every year I like him more and more. This past year being my senior year, we have had the chance to work on senior projects. Even though it seemed grueling and annoying at times, it was worth it. What I learned from doing this project will stick with me for the rest of my life. Though sometimes class can be hard, time flies in his class. Thanks for being such a great teacher, Mr. Johansen! You’ve blessed my life as well as the lives of many others.
Mr. Johansen is very nice, and he gives us time to work on our homework. He cares about his students. I have loved the atmosphere in his class. He makes English enjoyable.
Man, where do I even start with this guy. He has been such an inspiration to me these past two years. I’ll be honest—before I met him, I always hated English. Mr. Johansen is always ready with a message that is very thought through. I can tell he puts in a lot of hours for us after class. He really does rub off on you. Honestly, he really is just a stud, and I respect the heck out of that man. I don’t think he gets near the respect he deserves.
Mr. Johansen is an understanding teacher. I have had him for most of my English classes. He always tries to let us be creative with a project. I really like that because it makes preparing and watching presentations more interesting. He is always searching out ways to keep the class involved in the lesson.
Students enjoy learning and being a part of your class. Thank you, Mr. Johansen, for making a difference!