I am proud and honored to be working for the district these past 11 years. As a former student and graduate of the South Colonie Central School District, I wanted to follow in the footsteps of my former educators. My educational experience, as well as, teachers in the district served to inspire me to pursue a career in teaching.
I am thrilled to be teaching as a Virtual Kindergarten Teacher for the Virtual Academy Program. It has been a wonderful experience getting to know each and every one of my students and their families. I am impressed with the flexibility and perseverance of my students. Teaching virtually requires an amount of engagement opportunities, in order to keep the students actively participating.

One of the ways that I keep the students engaged is by having brain and movement breaks. Oftentimes, I will dance, stretch, and take moments of mindfulness with them in order to keep them motivated and involved. Every Friday, my classes either have a show and tell, scavenger hunt, or a dress-up day. This gives them an opportunity to socialize with one another which is vital to their social development. Lastly, I provide and create activities and lessons that are unique to their interests. I take the time to get to know each of my students’ likes and dislikes in order to establish a meaningful and impactful learning experience.
I look forward to the students’ achievement and continued growth in the Virtual Academy Program. I would like to thank the families for their continued support in their children’s education. I am thankful and fortunate to work with a supportive administration, fellow teachers, and staff. I am proud to be a part of the South Colonie Central School District community!