Virtual Planning Days Clarification

Dear South Colonie Parents/Guardians,

We have received some questions regarding our upcoming planned virtual days and wanted to provide some clarification for our families.

From the beginning of the school year, South Colonie has tried to minimize remote learning time for students that are participating in in-person and hybrid learning. However, the reality is that the district could shift to a complete remote setting at any time and students, families and staff members need to be prepared. 

The planned virtual days allow flexibility for our staff to not only prepare for lessons and exams but to also meet other training requirements that in a typical school year are able to be supported through the use of substitute teachers.  In addition, the virtual days also keep our students comfortable with expectations surrounding remote learning and the technology platforms used in the event we were to shift to an all remote learning environment.

We understand that there are many challenges that come with changes to schedules but unlike other districts we have opted to limit our virtual learning days to approximately one day per month in order to maximize in-person classroom time.

We will continue to do our best to communicate any changes made to our calendar as soon as possible but we ask for your patience and flexibility as we navigate the rest of the school year. As always, please reach out to your building principal directly if you have any additional questions or concerns.

Thank you,

Dr. David Perry
Superintendent of Schools