Veeder Kindergarten Bus Orientation Set for Tuesday, Sept. 7

Kindergarten students are invited to join us for a bus orientation, supply drop off and a chance to meet their teacher in the classroom. We request that only one parent/guardian attend the orientation with your incoming kindergarten
student(s). Students will be divided alphabetically into two groups (please see
schedule below) to meet their teacher, take a short ride in the parking, and
discuss bus safety and the rules of riding a bus. (This orientation will differ from your child’s assigned pickup/drop-off time if they are taking a bus to/from school. Transportation information can be obtained from Aspen).

    • 9:00 AM: Parents will arrive at Veeder with their kindergarten student.
    • Students/parents will be broken into two groups based on your child’s last


Bus Ride/Safety

9:00: A-M – Participate in bus ride/safety guidelines
9:30: N-Z – Participate in bus ride/safety guidelines

Meet your teacher/supply drop off

9:30: A-M – Meet the teacher and drop off supplies
9:00: N-Z – Meet the teacher and drop off supplies

*Please note  If your child is attending the CYC Before/After School Program either in the morning/afternoon (or both), please be sure you have completed the Childcare/Transportation link sent to you in the placement brochure. When meeting with your child’s teacher, please be sure to confirm your child’s dismissal routine to alleviate any anxiety on the first day of school.