South Colonie Teacher Feature: Michelle Blair

Meet South Colonie’s Teacher Feature, Michelle Blair.  Michelle has been working in the self-contained programs at Forest Park for the past 15 years.  She feels lucky to work with her students daily and the opportunity to continuously support our South Colonie Families.

Michelle Blair

teacher sitting at her desk in a classroom
Michelle Blair, Forest Park Elementary

I have been working in the South Colonie School District for 25 years.  I was hired as a Speech Pathologist at Forest Park to start working in our Transition programs.

I have been working in the self-contained program at Forest Park for the last 15 years.    I consider myself lucky to work with such a unique population of children in our district and to help support the families as they navigate the Medicaid process to get services for their children.    My main goal is to help each student be able to communicate both at school and at home before they leave Forest Park.   Helping kids communicate through the use of pictures, visual supports, and other communication systems is so rewarding.     I am fortunate to work with the most talented and hard-working group of staff and teachers that make you want to come to work each day.