Just five days ago, the South Colonie Central School District put out a request through staff communication and the district’s communication channels requesting hygiene products to support families during the on-going pandemic.
The community came together and just days later, staff at the high school were gathering and sorting more than 5,000 hygiene products.
“It is so incredibly heartwarming and indicative of what makes this district exceptionally special,” said CCHS Associate Principal Thomas Kachadurian.
In a communication to staff Kachadurian thanked them for spreading the word and all of their efforts to collect contributions for families in need.
The donations collected will help sustain South Colonie families well into the summer. CCHS staff plan to create kits, use existing collection bins and the support of the South Colonie Transportation Department to deliver products to meet the needs of families in the community.
For individuals still interested in supporting this cause, gift cards in small quantities or other donations can be made. Please reach out to Thomas Kachadurian to make arrangements.