South Colonie announces new committee to support 75th anniversary celebration; Seeks parent and community volunteers 

The South Colonie Central School District announced today a new ad hoc committee to support the year-long 75th anniversary celebration which will take place throughout the 2023-24 school year.  The committee’s focus will be to engage the Colonie community including students, staff, alumni, families and community leaders in a year-long celebration of the school district.

“The goal of this celebratory and commemoration committee is to highlight the achievements of the South Colonie Central School District and celebrate the growth and success over the last 75 years,” said Superintendent of Schools Dr. David Perry. “We also want to bring the South Colonie school community together in a series of events and initiatives that honor our history, celebrate our accomplishments and highlight student success.” 

Led by the office of the Superintendent, the committee will be comprised of representatives from the South Colonie Board of Education, administrators, teachers, students, and alumni. The district will also be actively recruiting parents, guardians and community members to be involved in the committee work.

“We know that the voices of our parents, guardians, and community members are an important part of the district’s history and growth,” said South Colonie Board of Education President Brian Casey.  “As such, we want to invite these voices to be a part of the planning process for this important milestone.”

The planning committee will be a working committee comprised of the following subcommittees:

    • South Colonie History
    • Success (encompassing academics, arts, and athletics)
    • Communications
    • Alumni Engagement
    • Signature events  (Raiderfest)
    • Building level activities
    • Scholarships

Volunteer registration is now open

The district has now opened a volunteer form for those interested in serving on the 75th-anniversary celebration as well as other district committees. 

Individuals interested in serving are asked to complete the volunteer interest form by March 17, 2022.  The committee is expected to begin meeting in late April. 

More information on South Colonie committees and responsibilities can be found here.