Sand Creek Students Participate in Antarctica Video Conference

students gather in classroom to view video conferenceStudents in Master Teacher Stacey Sebert’s 7th and 8th grade classes at Sand Creek Middle School participated in a video conference with scientists in Antarctica.

Special thanks to Polar ICE and Rutgers University for putting together opportunities that allow students and scientists to collaborate. Along with Sand Creek students, students from California and Alaska attended the conference. The scientists discussed such things as the research that they do, what their lives are like in Antarctica and why they decided to become a scientist. Students were amazed to hear how remote the area is – one scientist mentioned having to use scratched sunglasses because that’s all he has there and some students realized there aren’t stores or Amazon to order new ones. They also realized how bright it is there with all of the snow reflecting the 22 hours of daylight they currently have.

It was a great opportunity for students to connect with scientists – discussing their research and possible future career choices for the students.